Topic: Haydn

Home Rockwheelers Forums News Haydn

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    I remember the first time I met Haydn. I had just bought my bike and was on a very early ride at Douglas.  He was very friendly and invited me to ride along with his group, offering advice and never seemed bothered about the new bloke slowing the group.

    Since then he has continued to help me with events I was organising.  It wasn’t just for me, he always seemed to have time to help out new riders on top of all the other things he has done for the club.

    I think any new riders to our sport will be poorer for not having known Haydn Tilley.

    Long Live Long Rides.


    I remember the first Working Bee I went to out at the dam. Who was this crazy man with a car filled with tools, rambling on about soil types and erosion control methods. Probably the first time I realized there were some seriously hardcore mountain bikers in Townsville.

    He was always super friendly and eager to share his fashion.

    Jerseys with no sleeves are not for me, but suited his style 100%.

    Rest in Peace Haydn.

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