Why Join the Townsville Rockwheelers Mountain Bike Club?
- Membership to Australia's second largest Mountain Bike Club is just $30.
- All membership dollars go towards new trails and trail maintenance.
- Club member numbers = higher likelihood of receiving grants and funding to put towards new or upgraded trails, skill areas, assets etc.
- Discounted event to all club events.
- Junior & Family Social Rides (Thursday afternoon's)
- Club partnership discounts
- Learn trail maintenance and building skills
- Social rides, skills programs and community initiatives
- Have your say in trail design and development projects
- Be part of a healthy, active & friendly community
- If you don't ride we still need you. Join the Club and support a non profit organisation through volunteering at our events, working bees, marshalling, timing, meet new people and have some fun.
Don't wish to join the club?
Don't live in Townsville but love our trails when you are here, why not DONATE to our trail fund? The Townsville Rockwheelers Mounatain Bike Club is volunteer non profit organisation, every dollar receveied goes towards trail maintenance and funding of new trails.